Wow! That was amazing, and heartbreaking. As the mom of an addict, his texts struck home in a wrenching way. I'm glad you tried to steer him to Zen. I'd been trying to do that with my son for years, and he did respond to so many spiritual texts I shared with him. But it wasn't enough.

I love the idea of Butterfly stories too.

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Thank you but . . . after rereading it became clear to me that my groggy response was not altruistic. Instead it was a description of a time when I used what I understood about zen to make it through very difficult situations. All that anger towards the text bombing guy was resistance to an unwelcome shove in an uncomfortable direction. The experience opened up a lot and isn't it strange how the Universe sometimes sets a trap like that to force you to come to terms with an experience?

Your heartfelt and loving reaching out to your son is and always will be a beautiful gesture (in comparison). I hope that despite all his challenges he will find a way to move towards a better place or that the powers that be will keep him safe despite his struggles . So, yeah, I guess one could say my weird incantation did have heart to it -- just not enough to claim as pure concern.

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